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A man of Generations-My Life after Pol Pot genocidal regime​ collapsed (Part 11)

My Life after Pol Pot genocidal regime collapsed (after 7 January 1979)

Early January 1979, while we were in a group working in the field, we heard the sound of planes from the distance. We looked into the sky while the sound was approaching. Two planes were seen flying over from the east to the west, that was to Phnom Penh direction. We looked at each other, and whispered to each other: “May be a sign of liberty from slaves”. Then we seemed to relax. I guessed may be some help to free us from this regime. The leader of the group or Pol Pot agent did not say anything, sighted, but his face looked serious or perhaps he understood the situation. Then we went on working to destroy small hills of ants…….He ordered us to clear the hills of red ants for rice production.

The next day, in the evening, while standing in front of my small thatched cottage, I saw a long queue of Pol Pot black uniform soldiers, with AK 47 rifle guns in hands, walking past my village, heading west with strict eyes. I was afraid, I moved into my home, closed the door and looked at them through torn wall. I was happy. I thought with big smile in my heart. I dared not to shout out. But I was sure I was freed.

Next morning, even there was no sound of bell ringing, I had to walk to the cooperative center for the morning meeting as usual, but it was unusual, no Pol Pot leaders appeared. Now we, 17 April citizens gathered and talked here and there and discussed some plans. It was very clear that this regime was overthrown. However we did not know for sure who was going to free us. We were so overjoyed. Our plans to go back to native villages were set among us. We had to go back home to meet relatives again after a long separation. We in the group decided and promised each other to walk to Phnom Penh, early tomorrow morning. I was happy, happy that I would meet my brothers, my sisters, my nephews, my nieces and so on. Can you imagine how was I when I was free from this prison without walls……..
We asked some rice and salt fish from the cooperative, now they were so good at us.

Early in the morning, my wife cooked her first pot privately, rice and salt fish grilled. She wrapped hot rice and fish in banana leaves. It smelled nicely. I left home where I lived, Sithor Commune, Khsach Kandal District of Kandal province, around 20 kilometers, east of Phnom Penh City, We all met at the appointed place. We smiled openly. There we went. We walked, walked a long way home. We talked our plans after the said liberation from genocidal regime…….We were nearing the city…. Houses were seen empty. No one returned yet to regain their houses. May be they all already died? While talking, we forgot the long distance of the road………… Here we were at the point where we could separate each other for family hunting. However it was our lunch together on a nice silent place. It was so nice to have rice with salt or salty fish as we were very tired in the morning walk. They said when you are hungry, even rice with salt is wonderful, is it true?

We were separated each other and went to different directions. I walked alone to my native home with a dirty clothes. My native village home is in Kompong Svay village/commune, Kien Svay District, Kandal Province, in the south of Monivong Bridge, around 20 kilometers. I was so happy as I had the freedom of walk, of movement. Long Live freedom! I was freed from the prison without walls on 7 January 1979 … …. I made the trip bared-footed with some loads of new rice bags on my shoulders, a black shirt and no hat to cover the sun. The rice bags made from tough leaves called Traing (Talipot Palm). Why did I bring the rice bags home? ….. To exchange with rice to my relatives or neighbors.

On the road back home, there was no traffic. It was like a ghost road. On both sides of the road, houses were seen silent. The transition from Pol Pot tragic regime to a free atmosphere, but still no difference. It was almost living in the dark. It was getting darker, I saw a lady and asked her if she knew where my commune (Kompong Svay commune) was and did she know my family. Because everything was changed, I could not recognize at all. The lady told me that the house of my in-laws was over here……

I was dead happy. I went straight to the house. I could not see the house clearly, because it was dark, but a small light of an oil lamp was seen the inside, that I could recognize my sister-in-law.  I called her from the outside with a surprise. She appeared not so happy and called me in. She sighted and said: “all died young brother! She counted “Your 2 brothers, Chhann and Sokhan, your 2 nephews, Sengly and Sokhon,  our parents, 3 brothers-in-laws, Khat, Loeurng and Ren and some of our cousins” Hearing this shocking news, I cried out very loudly. I was so shocking at this very bad news, as I thought they would never returned to talk to me anymore, I lost them almost all, I was nothing to live. To this sound of my sobbing,  my sister-in-law refrained me not to cry loud. She said “Pol Pot agents are near, we are still afraid of them ”.  To satisfy her fear, I stopped, but my body was shaking like an earthquake.

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