Traditional Khmer Wedding (Part III) – The Hair Cutting Ceremony (KATSAK)
After the groom procession
with dowry to the bride’s house and the presentation of dowry, it is now time
for Hair Cutting (KATSAK) for the bride and the groom. KATSAK is
one of the very special moments of the wedding. This is done around 9-10am. There is a typical
platform with a colorful .backdrop inscribed “Cutting Hair Celebration” In front of the backdrop, eight golden
carved wooden chairs and a long
golden carved wooden table on which 2 boxes of betel stuff, 2 plates of
betel leaves and nuts, 2 bunches of flowers and 2 holly pots of water
are placed.
The bride and the groom, the maids,
parents, relatives and friends are invited to sit in the chairs.
It is known that before
the bride and groom are officially married in the Khmer tradition, they must be
properly prepared through an elaborate cleansing ceremony. Two singers, usually
male and female representing angels (TEVEDA) commanded by Indra from heaven to come
down to the earth to take care and give the blessings to the new couple. They
bring with them magic scissors, knife and perfume. They poetically sing and dance
around the bride and the groom. Their poetic songs represent their enchantment
with the beauty of the new couple, and they agree to personally cleanse and
purify the bride and the groom to bring them good fortune, beauty, and grace
for the rest of their lives.

At the conclusion of this visit, the
Teveda return to their Realm of Heaven, the home of the gods. Then
consecutively the parents of both sides and close relatives take their turn to
cut the hair, perfume and give the blessings and well-wishes the young couple happiness,
prosperity, and longevity.
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