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Training on Labor Law & Effective Employment Contract Writing

Professional training on
Labor Law & Effective Employment Contract Writing
14-15 January 2017 (Sat-Sun), Time: 8:00am-5:00pm
Language: Khmer/ English, Venue: Restaurant/ World Hope (Phnom Penh)
The trainees after the 2-day intensive training course will be able to:
o   Understand more in the fair treatment of employees based on related laws.
o   Practically manage their employees with full responsibilities facing national labor laws.
o   Assist top management in developing legal guidelines and procedures, especially pertaining to disciplinary action, dismissal and contract termination.

Session 1- Regulating Employment
o   Overview of Labor Law
o   Employment Contracts
o   Internal Regulations
o   The Labor Laws as Public Policy
Session 2- Hiring Employees
o   Preference for Cambodian Nationals
o   Non-Discrimination in Employment Practices
o   Hiring Foreigners
o   Payment for Job Placement Prohibited
o   Young Employees & Minimum Age Rules
Session 3- Categories of employees
o   Fixed & Unspecified Duration Contracts
o   Casual Employees & Part-Time Employees
o   Probationary Employees
o   Volunteers, Interns, & Trainees
o   Independent Consultants
Session 4- Wages
o   Payment of Wages
o   Minimum Wages & Deductions & Fines
o   Supervision & Distribution of Tips & Service Charges
o   Salary Tax
o   Expatriate NGO Employee Salary Tax Exemption
Session 5- Working Hours & Overtime
o   Normal Working Hours
o   Overtime
o   Alternative Work Schedules
o   Young Employees
Session 6-  Holidays, Leave & Benefits
o   Paid Public Holidays
o   Paid Annual Leave
o   Special Leave & Sick Leave
o   Maternity & Paternity Leave
o   Breast Feeding
o   Nursing Room & Daycare Center
Session 7- Disciplining Dismissing Employees
o   Disciplinary measures and Misconduct
o   Termination of Fixed Duration Contracts
o   Notice Requirement for Fixed Duration Contracts
o   Termination of Undetermined Duration Contracts
o   Notice Requirement for Undetermined Duration Contracts
o   Indemnity for Undetermined Duration Contract Termination
Session 8- Non-Discrimination
o   Non-Discrimination in Employment
o   Permissible Discrimination
o   Equal Pay for Equal work
Session 9- Dispute Resolution
o   Individual Disputes
o   Collective Disputes
This program offers real practices of the actual work of trainers as well as common use both local and international standards, learning through sharing experiences from the trainer and participants' vision, real exercise, group discussion, case study, games, role-play, individual/ group presentation to get more understanding and clear for all participants.
Mr. Sophatra SOM, Admin, HR and Communication Expert 
 Experiences: He has 45-year experiences in fields of Administration, Human Resources Management, Procurement, Logistics, Contract Management and Communication both local and international COMPANIES/NGOs/IOs. Administration & HR Director, Project Coordinator (BBC World Service Trust), Project Manager (UNIAP), General Secretary (KHRACO), Information Officer(REDD BARNA), Office Manager (SFKC), Office Manager/ Translator (ADB), Information and Education Officer (UNTAC), Deputy Director of External Relations Department (Radio/ TVK).
Present: A Senior Adviser to World Hope.
o   Admin Assistants/ Officers/ Mangers
o   Supervisor/ Managers/ General Managers/ Employers
o   Ones who wish to improve their knowledge of Labor Law
o    Full Payment            US$ 168 (excluded any tax), deadline:  13 January 2017
o   Register & Pay      Now-25 Dec. 2016  get US$20  discount : US$ 148
                                     26-31 Dec. 2016  get US$10  discount: US$ 158
The fee included:  2 Lunches, 4 Refreshments, Training Materials, Certificate & Group Photos.

Mobile: 010 777 133/ 083 777 763. # 110WB, St. 3, Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh.

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