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Som sophatra, Professional Trainer

Kindly inform Khmer nationals that the training on Presentation and Public Speaking Skills will be opened on Saturday and Sunday, 17-18 December 2016 (8am-5PM) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, trained by Mr. Som Sophatra. Please contact me at: or at mobile: (855-98) 289 790 for registration. The fee is $168/trainee.
This course will help students/participants to be effective presenters & how to speak in public attractively. It also grows them in businesses or good performance and gets more and more referrals or to be promoted. The leaders and Business Owners will gain real knowledge to prepare their business showcases and others will become the presenters or speakers with profession and self-confidence. 

  Mr. Sophatra SOM, Trainer
Administration, Human Resource and communication Expert,  working for 10 years consecutively at a non-governmental organization, thus attending many professional courses both local & International such as Effective HR Management, HR Development, Training of Trainer-ToT, Project Cycle Management, Report Writing, Effective Administrative Management, Effective Leadership, General Communication Skills, Interpersonal Skills, NGO Management, Procurement and Bidding Procedures, Policy and Minimum Standards for Protection of Rights of Victim of Human Trafficking.

Experiences: 45-year experiences with the following positions:
  • Director, Administration, Human Resources and Communication, Social Rural Economic Development Organization (SREDO)
  • Director, Administration, Human Resources and Communication, (AFESIP)
  • Procurement, Logistics, warehouse and Contract Management, both local and international companies/NGOs/IOs., 
  • Project Coordinator (BBC World Service Trust), 
  • Project Manager (UNIAP), 
  • General Secretary (Khmer Human Rights and Anti-Corruption Organization (KHRACO), 
  • Information Officer (REDD BARNA), 
  • Office Manager (Social Fund of the Kingdom of Cambodia (SFKC), 
  • Office Manager/ Translator (Asian Development Bank) (ADB), 
  • UNTAC TV Producer (Information and Education Division, 
  • Deputy Director of External Relations Department (Radio/TVK).

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