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Seven children find help

 Because of extreme poverty, like other Cambodian job seekers, her husband has fled to Thailand for a better job months ago and his wife has also found a job in Phnom Penh as a construction worker. This family has no safe house to shelter their children, while last year a storm demolished it.

The seven children are now living with their grand-mother at Barong Commune, Lvea Em district, Kandal province. Imagine how affected to their psychological development of the lives of these children while their parents are away.

The husband has irregularly sent some cash home, but the wife is able to come back every week to visit and care them. Living with less care and warmth, children will become neglected by the society.

NB: If you are willing to donate some cash or school material to this family, please contact me at: HP: 855 77 789 757 and 098 289 790 or email me at:


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