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Toeuk Chha Resort, Kompong Cham Province

Well, dear national and foreign friends, if you think that you don’t know where to go on Saturdays or Sundays after your trips to Kien Svay, Palm Village and Phnom Oudong Resorts, I would like to suggest you to visit Toek Chha Resort.

Toek Chha is located in Thmey Village, Kruoch Commune, Prey Chhor District, Kompong Cham province, 42 kilometers away from Kompong Cham Town. Tourists travel from Kompong Cham Town to Prasat Preah Theat Toek Chha, straight to Prey Chhor District, then turn right about 14 kilometers, we reach Neak Ta Snoeung Bridge, then turn right again running along a canal about 4 more kilometers.

Here we are at Toek Chha Resort ! The current of water flows fast from a source called Kbal Toek which is 2 kilometers away in the west of Phnom Theat. There the abundance of water sources around 200-300 meters long comes out of the ground, where large trees proudly stand there. 

Even through in the rainy or dry season, the level of water remains the same, except much rain and flood that makes the current of water flows stronger. The director of Tourism department said Kompong Cham received 235,000 national and foreign tourists within the first semester of 2014.

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